Monday, April 27, 2020


Ebeg is a form of Banyumas regional dance that uses horse dolls made of woven bamboo (ebeg) and its head is given fibers as hair. The Ebeg dance in the Banyumas area depicts war soldiers who are riding horses. Usually in Ebeg performances, complited with an attractions of Barongan, penthul & cépét.

It is estimated that Ebeg dance has existed since the 9th century, when humans began to embrace the animism and dynamism creeds. One of the evidences that supports Ebeg to be an old art line is the existence of forms in trance (possessed) or wuru. Forms like this mostly to be the characteristic of any art that was born in the days of animism and dynamism.

In addition, Ebeg is considered as a truly original art and culture from Banyumasan Java since there is absolutely no influence from other cultures. Unlike the Wayang which is an appreciation of Indian Hindu culture with a variety of figures.

Ebeg did not tell a particular character at all and was not influenced by certain religions, both Hindu and Islamic. Even in its songs it tells a lot about the life of traditional society, sometimes containing rhymes, living discourses and tells about the art of Ebeg itself. The songs sung in the Ebeg performances almost entirely use the Banyumasan Javanese language.

A similar form of art that can even be said to be the same as Ebeg also developed in other areas, especially in Central Java and Yogyakarta, with the name of Jathilan, Kuda Lumping or Kuda Kepang.


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